Tanza Partners

Tanza Partners is a health consultancy that specialises in Primary Care and works with General Practitioners to solve the multitude of problems that face them currently.

General Practice is facing severe pressures; indeed one might say they are unprecedented. The future of the partnership model is being examined, recruitment remains a pressing and serious issue, workload seems to be increasing and not decreasing and quality of work/life for GPs is very much ‘in the balance’.

The new GP five-year framework for GP contract reform has just been released and the pressing question is whether it will solve these problems. Only the truly over-optimistic would say yes and the new provisions provide relief but there are strings attached. The most obvious is how to navigate the provisions that require GPs to become part of Primary Care Networks (‘PCN’). The funding boost is tied to this but how PCNs will be formed remains the work of GPs.

At this point, GPs may wish to consider various options for the future. The move towards working at greater scale seems an imperative and this has implications for how GP structure their legal relationship. Super-partnerships are a possible route. However this is a complicated process and requires substantial engagement and careful management. There is also an emerging option for GPs to become part of an NHS Trust; this is being called ‘vertical integration’ and various Foundation and NHS Trusts are pursuing it. It is a route that takes almost all of the pressure away from partners but is it something they really understand? Good advice will be an essential prerequisite before any partnerships considers embarking on such a solution.

Tanza Partners is a consultancy that specialises in solutions for General Practice. The associates have significant in the NHS, General Practice, integration projects, finance and English Law. They bring a focussed, solution-based approach for issues that GPs face.

If you are looking for advice on any matters relating to your practice, how to grow your business, help with planning or the preparation of documents or are in search of specific solutions to any of the issues mentioned above, please get in touch with us.


John Tacchi

07780 956850
